Lessons from Satellite imaging and Drones epsiodes

Thoughts on Satellite imaging and remote sensing in agriculture episode with Khaled Al-shamaa and Drones Episode with Moahemd Tayseer

3 min readFeb 7, 2021

In the last eight days, I have had two interviews for my podcast “Essam Cafe” the topics were so interesting and exciting to me, and I have learned a lot (it is like going back to school).

The first topic was about Satellite imaging and remote sensing in agriculture. In the interview with Khaled Al-Shamaa, I learned a little bit about the world of Satellite Imaging and remote sensing.

One of the exciting things I didn’t know is that Satellite imaging is open and free for anyone to study and analyze. Five satellites are working since the 80s (with different resolutions). You can find the Satellite list here; one satellite has a superpower, MODIS satellite provides 36 spectral bands.

Also, for disaster mitigation, satellite information is very critical to diagnose what is going on. For instance, tracking the images’ changes may help understand how anything harmful is spreading on a farm. Having this information is helpful to make the right decision.

Khaled also talked about several open-source libraries that help prepare and process those images; a good thing about Satellite imaging is that you can have some fun incorporating different data sources with Deep Learning; we talked about the impact of the information that helps in agriculture resilience.

Today I had an interview with “Mohamed Tayseer” we talked about drones; it was fascinating as I am such a newbie when it comes to drones; Mohamed started by explaining how it began, and the motivation behind developing such a machine; no wonder it started for military use and slowly got into civilian use.

The list of uses he mentioned was immense; I think there are uses enough to talk about for maybe days, the number of uses Mohamed said, Hacking (Simulating cell towers and wifi stations), Structures inspection, Farming, Drone Security Cameras, Journalism and events, Shopping, Mapping and 3D scanning, etc.

Also, Mohamed talked about technical challenges regarding mapping and planning software; and I think this area has a lot of work waiting to be done; it feels like lots of industries can make use of drones, but they didn’t know about it yet; or where it fits in their workflow.

All in all, I had so much fun doing those interviews; I have learned a couple of things that I didn’t know about; I also think Drones and Satellite complete each other; it is like two different levels of details that can be used as needed.

I am sure that many awesome people are working on that stuff; it is exciting to know that those concepts and ideas are used, and some people are making use of them.

Please drop a comment if you have some thoughts; I really would like to learn more.




My views are not mine (it is an older version of me who didn't know any better), in real life I do not exist, I only exist “in your head”.